With so much special interest money in Washington being thrown into issues advocacy efforts to help convince federal lawmakers to support a specific legislative priority or action, a key consideration is what percentage of the total paid media budget will be spent locally, versus inside the Beltway.
The ideal mix in terms of resource allocation is approximately 80-85% local versus 15-20% inside the Beltway. Why? Because unless lawmakers and their staff perceive local sentiment is with your issue, progress for your cause will, in effect, be a lost cause achat viagra quebec.
This seems obvious. But there are still DC-based associations and special interests who believe that simply arming Hill staff with ‘facts’ and context will swing an issue your way. This is helpful, but based on the false assumption that staff will drive a member to vote one way or another based solely on what constitutes ‘good policy’.
Unless an advocacy effort has the capacity to make local voters aware of a threat, it simply will not be a real factor in achieving a business objective. Period. Bottom line: educating staff is important, but ensuring actual constituents pay attention, and engage you, is the only way to succeed.