The White House political team and other intelligent GOP operatives around town all agree political lightning rod Rep. Katherine Harris has little chance of defeating Florida Sen. Ben Nelson — and they’re correct. Harris is ill-suited for a bare knuckle statewide contest, has no real achievements in her short-lived congressional career, and has never undergone the level of scrutiny she would be ultimately subjected to.
Nothing against her personally, but she’s a lightweight. It’s a mystery as to why GOP consultant Ed Rollins, a decent fellow, signed on to her effort, except that he’d receive mucho exposure himself. Rollins loves the game, and this is his ticket to ride for a pr rush. But, to her credit, she’s also lined up the Tarrance Group for her polling — among the nation’s best polling outfits.
Nelson can be defeated, and it’s imperative Florida House Speaker Allan Bense jumps into the contest to challenge Harris in a GOP primary. Bense can win; Harris cannot — it’s that simple.