Washington, DC — Mark Shields writes, “The ‘political money crowd’ is aching to see NH pushed aside.” In NH, “through energy and determination, the underfunded, relatively unknown David who stands clearly for something really can have a chance against the well-
heeled and widely favored Goliath,” like “Jimmy Carter and [Sen. John] McCain.”
This is “not to suggest that” voters in “some other small state” could not “eventually do almost as good a job of sorting through these Presidential candidates as the voters of New Hampshire consistently do. But New Hampshire voters serve this nation commendably well every four years and, for that, they and their state deserve to remain number one” (Marshalltown Republican, 2/6) via The Hotline.
After four presidential cycles of personally busting my ass in New Hampshire, one thing is seared into my mind: no where in America have i experienced a more intelligent, inquisitive electorate and a press corps that routinely shows up at make-shift events that would bomb in other states. The press corps in New Hampshire during primary season works harder than anywhere in the country.
Screw “the money crowd.”
The New Hampshire primary process helps level the playing field, and it works brilliantly from a civic standpoint. And it’s a great tradition.